Arm Lift in the Atlanta Metro Area

Loose skin in the upper arm can occur as a result of significant weight loss or aging due to gravity, skin laxity, and thinning skin. Despite rigorous arm exercises and diet, some patients feel they just can’t improve the appearance of their saggy upper arms. Patients tend to hide their upper arms by wearing clothing that has sleeves because of the embarrassment they feel.

Call us today at (770) 421-1242 to discuss any questions you may have about arm lift surgery in metro Atlanta, or feel free to request a consultation online to get started. People visit us for arm lift surgery from Smyrna, Roswell, and Sandy Springs, Georgia, and other surrounding communities.

 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 5
Case: 1 of 5
Armlift Before & After Photo | Atlanta, GA | Plastic Surgery Center of the South
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

70-year-old female underwent a revision brachioplasty with liposuction of the bilateral upper arms.
Armlift Before & After Photo | Atlanta, GA | Plastic Surgery Center of the South
Before & After
Case: 2 of 4

41 year old African American female had a lap banding surgery approximately 2 years ago. She lost 60 pound. She wants to improve the contour of her arms. Upon examination she has a good amount of skin and fat around her arms. She would need a full armlift and lipo.Patient is pleased with the comparison between the upper arms and forear... Read More
Armlift Before & After Photo | Atlanta, GA | Plastic Surgery Center of the South
Before & After
Case: 3 of 4

Patient received a arm lift with liposuction to remove extra skin and fat.
Armlift Before & After Photo | Atlanta, GA | Plastic Surgery Center of the South
Before & After
Case: 4 of 4

48 Year old African American female, Undergone a gastric bypass. Lost over 70 pounds. She is interested in having some removal of excess skin which is interfering with her exercise routine. Upon examination patient does  have a large amount of Fat around arms.She would do well with a arm lift. Patient is pleased with her results.... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons treat the upper arm differently depending on your anatomy and problem. If your main problem is heavy arms that are caused by excess fat and your skin is healthy, firm, and has elasticity, you may be a candidate for tumescent liposuction at our practice near Atlanta, GA. Your surgeon would sculpt and remove the excess fat, reducing the size of the upper arm to match the forearm. Frequently, this procedure can be performed simultaneously with liposuction of other body parts.

Loose, sagging skin is the result of time and gravity or weight loss.

Have you heard the term “bat wings”? This term refers to the loose, sagging skin under the arms and can occur as a result of time, gravity, or significant weight loss. You will not be able to correct this condition with liposuction alone, as the skin is already loose. The only way to improve this problem is to have an arm lift.

About the Arm Lift Procedure

An arm lift is a body contouring procedure that lifts, tightens and re-contours the arm by reducing excess skin and fat to properly reshape the arms. An incision would be made from the armpit to the elbow, along the inside of the arm. The procedure would be done as outpatient in our state certified operating rooms. The surgery would take approximately 1 – 2 hours depending on your particular circumstances.

Dr Harkins, Dr. Petrosky, and Dr. Depew

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Committed to the core values of ethics, integrity, honesty and education, our board-certified plastic surgeons draw patients from Atlanta and across the U.S.

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Plastic Surgery Center of the South won Family Life magazine's "Best Of" contest for Canton for 2016, 2018, and 2019, and for Woodstock in 2017. Experience our difference for yourself.

Best of Life Awards Family Life Publications 2021

Recovering from an Arm Lift

Discomfort will be mild to moderate and can easily be controlled with pain medication. Most of our Atlanta arm lift patients are normally able to return to work within a few days and resume normal activities after 2 weeks. An arm lift does not affect muscle tone, and normal physical activity is recommended once recovery is complete. This procedure involves the exchange of one cosmetic problem (loose skin) for another (scars). However, most people find the exchange worthwhile.

Whether liposuction or an arm lift is performed, the goal of your plastic surgeon is to give you slimmer more attractive arms. This procedure can help you stop feeling self-conscious about your arms when wearing sleeveless shirts and bathing suits. As always, a thorough consultation with your physician is required to determine the procedure best suited for you.

Locations surrounding Marietta

How to Visit Us in Marietta

Because of our top-notch patient care and beautiful results, Plastic Surgery Center of the South has built a strong reputation in the region. If you are interested in visiting our Marietta practice from a nearby community, choose your area below to get easy-to-follow driving directions.

Roswell Canton Smyrna Douglasville Kennesaw Woodstock
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