Summer is right around the corner, so it’s no surprise that more patients are coming into our practice with questions on how they can get rid of those small pockets of fat around the body. We most commonly recommend CoolSculpting or liposuction at our Marietta, GA practice because both options provide beautiful results with minimal or no recovery time.
Curious whether one of these treatments might work for you? Here’s my brief overview of each option:
CoolSculpting is perfect for patients who have very active schedules and aren’t able to spend time recovering. A completely non-invasive treatment, CoolSculpting uses cold energy to target and freeze fat cells from the outside without any incision. The body then naturally flushes away the damaged cells. Patients typically see results within 2 to 4 months, so it’s important to book this procedure with enough time to fully enjoy your rejuvenated appearance. Patients can achieve a fat reduction of around 25%.
Liposuction is a more involved experience, but advanced techniques have minimized the recovery time, and results are greater than with CoolSculpting. We are able to target areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, knees, upper arms, and chin to remove pesky areas of fat that don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise. Also, we use liposuction when we transfer fat from one area of a patient’s body to another that lacks volume. Recovery depends on the extent of your procedure and can vary from a few days to several weeks.
The primary factors I examine when choosing between these procedures are area of the body and amount of fat. While both CoolSculpting and liposuction are effective options, it’s important to find a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is best for your needs. Also, visit our Specials & Events page to see what we’re offering each month.
Slimming for Summer: Consider Liposuction or CoolSculpting®

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